Nowadays, it is still challenging to find a balance between family and career.
Professional daycare is therefore an important premise.
At the core of our pedagogical work is always the best interest of the child. The holistic and individual development of every child is our main objective. Our educators meet every child with an open and acceptive, affectionate and caring attitude, according to the pedagogical concept of Emmi Piklers. They ensure the protective space that every child needs, in order to make the next developing steps by their own. After a thorough observation, our educators respond with their activities to the child’s needs and their individual pace. The many stimuli in everyday daycare life are an enrichment for every child and promote the development of their abilities and interests.
An important premise for the high quality of our pedagogical work is the trustful cooperation with the parents. They are the experts for their own child. Our educators cultivate with them a regular exchange of information at eye level and are open for their wishes and concerns.
Clear, repetitive structures and rituals simplify children’s orientation in everyday daycare life, their acclimatization, that we shape individually accordingly to the Berlin concept, as well as help build a trustful relation. The encounter with nature as a multilateral learning environment is an integral part of our daily routine. We play, knead, jump around, sing, cuddle, paint, do sports, glue, read, comfort, dance…
Suitable for every family
Both our daycare groups make possible a competent and caring child supervision and child promotion, while allowing parents for lead their chosen ways of life:
“Pinke-Panke” and “BiBaButzeKinder” daycares:
Group size: 10 children (3 months+)
Subsidence allowance: 10 € / month
Lunch: 53 € / month
Registration fee: 75 €
Mondays – Fridays: 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Fee: 236 € / month
Mondays – Fridays: 7.30 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Fee: 272 € / month
Our daycare fee agrees with the recommendations of the City of Freiburg, which can bear these costs partially or entirely.
The subsidence allowance includes hygienic products and tea. For breakfast, children should bring a snack box. For lunch, they receive a warm meal in our daycares (organic food).
Our “BiBaButzeKinder” daycare was subsidized with funds from the Federal Investment Program for Daycare Financing 2017-2020 (Investitionsprogramm des Bundes zur Kinderbetreuungsfinanzierung 2017-2020).
Our educators in the “Pinke-Panke” daycare:

Our educators in the “BiBaButzeKinder” daycare:
Lena Gutensohn, Venus Abbas
“Rumpelkinder” nature daycare
Group size: 10 children (18 months+)
Mon, Wed, Thu: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Fri: 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Fee: 120 € / month
Subsidence allowance: 5 € / month
Upon request, the Social and Youth Department can bear the entire or part of the fee. For breakfast, children should bring a snack box along.
Our educator: Anja Baeckmann
In all our daycare groups, the educators are supported by interns that do a federal volunteer service throughout the entire year.
Link to the central pre-registration system of the City of Freiburg: