Single Parent Café – finding out coping strategies

Single parents want to give their children protection and security. In everyday life, they are often both mother and father for the children. That is why in education single parents have special foci and challenges, in addition to the task of ensuring/making a living. This course offers exchange of experiences and support. We have time for you and your questions. Together we develop solutions and strengthen the trust in your own powers.

With child care for children between 0 and 6 years old

Tuesdays, 3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Place: Büggenreuterstr. 12

The course Single parenting – I’ll work it out! is integrated in the Single Parent Café.


  • Positive education
  • Value orientation
  • Communication, verbal – nonverbal
  • Rules, boundaries, consequences
  • Survival tips and tricks for single parents

Course start: continuously, newcomers are welcome
Fees: no fees for single parents, should they attend at least 4 times.

We are cooperation partners in the program “elfa – Eltern- und Familienbildung in Freiburg” of the Volkshochschule Freiburg
Funded by the STÄRKE Federal land program


Elfa programm february to july 2019

Elfa programm september to dezember 2019


Host: Bianca Breuer, Graduate in Education Studies
