Babycafé with guests


Being happy with the baby in everyday life from the very beginning – that is what all parents want. We cannot offer a recipe how that can succeed. We offer mothers and fathers with babies during the first year of life a framework that invites them to take their time for themselves and the baby.
In the cozy, uncomplicated and relaxed atmosphere of our Café, you can feel comfortable and regain your strength. In our Babycafé with guests there is room for your topics while interchanging with other parents.

In our playroom we create a pretty space for the babies. Babies get impulses through selected toys, small songs and first nursery rhymes. On the basis of Emmi Pikler’s pedagogical concept, we support the respectful and caring contact between parents and their child. The Babycafé host gathers your questions regarding life with a baby, throws them back into the round and gives advice from her mother point of view, respectively from her pedagogical background.

Should you desire to deepen a certain topic, we can establish the appropriate contact to specialists or we invite them to our Babycafé. We welcome guests of all ages, who want to share their life experience and their time, in order to support our Babycafé.

Babycafé with guests is an open activity that takes place all year round. You can start anytime, there is no rigid course structure.

We are co-operation partners in the programme „elfa – Eltern- und Familienbildung in Freiburg“ of the Volkshochschule Freiburg.

Thursdays, 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Place: Büggenreuterstr. 12

Host: Venus Abbas, certified Babycafé host

Venus Abbas during the handover of the Babycafé host certificate by Andrea Laux from Mütterforum Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart

How does it work?

You may bring your snacks with you. We ask for a small fee for the drinks we offer.

Participation fee: 1 €, respectively free for members

Educational and participation vouchers are accepted
Open all year round, registration is not necessary
No obligation to attend regularly




