Our guests

Tue, January 22nd 2019, 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.:
JULE – Career support for young mothers

On Tuesday, January 22nd at 10 a.m. we welcome Julia Wagenhals from IN VIA as our guest in the Klara Family Center, Büggenreuterstr. 12. The social educator informs about JULE, a free counseling program for young mothers, that supports young women under the age of 25 years old, having children under 3 years old, to search a vocational training or a job. Over the time frame of 6 months, the participating women receive tailored support through placement, group activities and regular individual coaching. This informative meeting takes place in the framework of our Babycafé with guests, that you can attend every Tuesday from 9:30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. No need to register. Fee: 1 € (Educational and participation vouchers are accepted), respectively free for members. Infos:  www.invia-freiburg.de

Tue, December 11th 2018, 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.: Breastfeeding advice

Agathe Bugiera from LaLecheLiga Freiburg

On Tuesday, December 11th, from 10 a.m. till 11:30 a.m. we’ll receive Agathe Bugiera from LaLecheLiga Freiburg as our guest in Babycafé. The professional breastfeeding advisor will inform you about nutritional, physiological and psychological aspects of breastfeeding. She offers both professional and emotional support in all breastfeeding questions and motherhood. The advisor relies on over 50 years of experience of this international non-profit organization. After a short introduction, the advisor will address your questions and concerns. Our Babycafé takes place every Tuesday, from 10 a.m. till 11:30 a.m. We invite parents with babies up to 1 year old to attend. No need to register. Fee 1€, free for members.

Thu, November 29th 2018, 3:30 p.m. – 5 p.m.: Family care – Infos and more

Christine Fackler from Caritasverband Freiburg-Stadt e.V.

Tue, November 27th 2018, 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.: Vocation instead of profession – Freelance daycarers

Cornelia Engelmann from Freiburger TagesmütterVerein e. V.

Tue, 06. November, 10.00 Uhr – 11.30 Uhr: Healthy teeth

Nadia Helal, Dentist specialized in orthodontics

Tue, September 18th 2018: Studying with children

Nerea Ulrich, Social advisor Studierendenwerk Freiburg

Tue, July 10th 2018: Carrying your baby – Wraps

Tanja Betzler, Wrapping advisor

Thu, July 5th 2018: Vocation instead of profession – Freelance daycarers

Cornelia Engelmann from Freiburger TagesmütterVerein e. V.

Tue, June 19th 2018: Early Support

Anna Daute, Competence Center “Early Support” of the City of Freiburg

More infos: www.freiburg.de/fruehehilfen

Tue, May 15th 2018: Woman and Profession

Adelheid Kurz, Kontaktstelle “Frau und Beruf”

Tue, April 17th 2018: Health resort advice

Heidi Moosmann, Deutscher Arbeitskreis für Familienhilfe e. V.

Tue, March 13th 2018: Windelfrei (Nappy-free)

Vanessa Hilzinger, Windelfrei-Coach

Tue, February 20th 2018: Tibetan medicine, Tibetan baby massage

Christa Fürth, Massage therapist, nutrition advisor, Tibetan medicine – Sowa Rigpa

More infos at: www.christa-fuerth.de

Tue, January 30th 2018: The fascinating road to learning how to walk

Dorothea Bitti, Alternative practitioner and physiotherapist

Tue, September 12th 2017: Health, sleep and nutrition

Elke Becker, Family, health and child nurse

More information at www.kindergesundheit-dreisam.de

Tue, July 25th 2017: Sexual health

Bettina Deuschle, Graduate social worker, Information center for sexual health, Aidshilfe Freiburg e. V.

Thu, July 13th 2017: Vocation instead of profession – Freelance daycarers

Cornelia Engelmann from Freiburger TagesmütterVerein e. V.

Tue, March 7th 2017: Windelfrei (Nappy-free)

Vanessa Hilzinger, Windelfrei-Coach

Tue, February 7th 2017: Yoga with baby

Anja Gehrmann, Yoga trainer and graduate social worker

Tue, January 24th 2017: Toddlers’ health and nutrition

Elke Becker, Family, health and child nurse

Tue, November 29th 2016: Woman and Profession

Adelheid Kurz, Kontaktstelle Frau und Beruf


Tue, November 8th 2016: P.R.I.S.M.A.

Felix Kriele, P.R.I.S.M.A. – Network for child promotion


Tue, September 27th 2016: Carrying your child

Tanja Betzler, Wrapping advisor


Tue, December 15th 2015: Adventure-based learning for future parents

Students at the Pedagogical University Freiburg, in the framework of their Master of Education, Specialization: Adult education / Further education

Tue, December 8th 2015: Wrapping with fabric nappies

Stefanie Fehrenbach, Fabric nappies expert

Tue, October 6th 2015: Studying with children

Karl-Heinz Hermle, Studierendenwerk Freiburg

Tue, August 4th 2015: Breastfeeding and complementary food

Gerda Weiser, Midwife, Chairwoman of the district association Freiburg/Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald/Emmendingen

Tue, July 7th 2015: Health resort advice

Heidi Moosmann, Health resort advisor, Deutscher Arbeitskreis für Familienhilfe e. V.

Thu, June 11th 2015: Craniosacral therapy

Michael Schubert, Training director of the Freiburg Cranio-Polarity School

Tue, June 9th 2015: Psychological counseling center

Christine Schweininger, Graduate alternative practitioner

Tue, May 19th 2015: JULE, Coaching for single parents

Christiane Nübel, Graduate social educator, In Via

We would also like to thank

  • Julia Lehmen, Medical plant expert
  • Sabine Bruhn, In Via
  • Franca Rauscher, Alternative practitioner, Children medical plant expert