
Il girotondo è un gioco italiano, che consiste nel darsi la mano e girare in cerchio, recitando una filastrocca, al termine della quale si cade tutti giù per terra. Attraverso il gioco e il canto i bambini potranno non solo utilizzare l´italiano fuori dal contesto familiare, ma anche imparare elementi della cultura italiana. Anche bimbi d’altra madrelingua avranno la possibilità di accostarsi all’italiano con facilità.

Tuesdays, 4:30 p.m. – 6 p.m.
Place: Büggenreuterstr. 12

Host team: Marta Bernicchia, Laura Guagni

For children between 3 and 6 years old

Girotondo is an Italian game for children, during which all participants take each other’s hand, turn around in a circle and sing a famous nursery rhyme. At the end of the game, everybody falls on the floor. While playing and singing, children and adults experience their mother tongue and elements of the Italian culture. Also children who do not speak Italian can that way easily gain the first access to the Italian language.
On sunny days we meet each other on the playground in the Mathildenstrasse (at the underground crossing).

How does it work?

You may bring your snacks with you. We ask for a small fee for the drinks we offer.
Participation fee: 1 €, respectively free for members
Educational and participation vouchers are accepted
Open all year round, registration is not necessary
No obligation to attend regularly